Anarchism and Other Essays
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‘Anarchism is the great liberator of man from the phantoms that have held him captive; it is the arbiter and pacifier of the two forces for individual and social harmony.’
Anarchism and Other Essays provides a lucid explanation of Emma Goldman’s anarchist beliefs in her own words. Goldman’s perceptiveness to the human condition combined with her revolutionary sense of empathy and literary flair makes this book necessary reading in our current times.
Covering themes such as The Psychology of Political Violence, the struggle for women’s emancipation, and the exploitation of people’s labour under capitalism, Goldman incisively sets out the nature of pervasive oppression while helping to imagine an alternative, better world.
Emma Goldman was a pioneer of anarchist thought and revolutionary feminism. Born in 1869 to Jewish parents in the Russian Empire, Goldman migrated to the US and would later become a renowned anarchist orator, writer and activist. Her deportation to Russia during the US Red Scare, and her subsequent disillusionment with the repression of the Soviet Union led Goldman to assume a migratory life.